BWV 86.6

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Original source: Cantata, Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch, BWV 86 (bach–digital page)
Chorale Text: Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (verses 7, 8), by Paul Speratus (1523)
Tune: Es ist das Heil uns kommen her, Nürnberg 1523, based on a 15th c. melody (Zahn 4430)
First Performance: 14 May 1724, Rogate (5th Sunday after Easter)
Appearance in Early Collections (Key):
Riemenschneider 4;
Breitkopf 4;
Birnstiel 4;
AmB 46II p.161;
Levy–Mendelssohn 29;
Fasch p.41
Other Harmonizations: 9.7, 117.4=117.9, 155.5, 251
Instrumentation: Colla parte — S: N/A. A: N/A. T: N/A. B: N/A. (no original parts extant)
Original manuscripts
Score: D–B Mus. ms. Bach P 157
Parts: None available
Measures 13–14 contain parallel fifths between the soprano (F#–C#) and tenor (B–F#). For a complete account of consecutive fifths and octaves in the Bach chorales, see "Consecutive Fifths & Octaves in the Bach Chorales" featured on the Articles & Research page.
bach– by Luke Dahn. Copyright 2018.