BWV 146.8

Previous: BWV 145.5
Next: BWV 147.6=147.10
Original source: Cantata, Wir müssen durch viel Trübsal, BWV 146 (bach–digital page)
Chorale Text: No text appears with this chorale.
Tune: Werde munter mein Gemüte , by Johann Schop (1642) (Zahn 6551)
First Performance: 12 May 1726, Jubilate (3rd Sunday after Easter)
Appearance in Early Collections (Key):
Other Harmonizations: BWVs 55.5, 147.6=147.10, 154.3, 244.40, 359, 360
Instrumentation: Colla parte — N/A (No parts available)
Original manuscripts
Score: No autograph survives; D–B Am.B 538–540, Faszikel 1 (copy dated "after 1750", copyist: J.F. Agricola)
Parts: None available
Measure 4 of this chorale contain parallel fifths between the soprano (A–G) and the tenor (D–C) where the former is a Re–Do anticipation figure and the latter is a delayed arrival of the seventh of a V7 chord. These "cadential parallels" are considered non–structural since they involve non–chord tones. Cadential parallels can be found in several chorales, most notably in BWV 40.8 where four instances occur. For a complete account of consecutive fifths and octaves in the Bach chorales, see "Consecutive Fifths & Octaves in the Bach Chorales" featured on the Articles & Research page.
bach– by Luke Dahn. Copyright 2019.