BWV 500a

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Original source: Chorale, So gehst du nun, mein Jesu, hin, BWV 500a (from the St. Mark Passion Pasticcio)
Chorale Text: So gehst du nun, mein Jesu, hin, by Friedrich Nachtenhöfer (1667)
Tune: So gehst du nun, mein Jesu, hin, by Christoph Wagner (1699) (Zahn 7631)
First Performance: 19 April 1726, Good Friday
Appearance in Early Collections (Key):
Other Harmonizations: None
This chorale survives by way of the St. Mark Passion Pasticcio. It was not assigned a unique BWV number since it is a variant realization of a chorale (BWV 500) from the Schemelli Gesangbuch with significant modiciations to both the bass line and harmonic structure. (See Chorale No.23 on p.144 of NBA III/2.1) This pasticcio manuscript, which can be viewed at www.bach–, is identified as D–B Mus. ms. 11471/1.
Editorial note: Because of the various divergences in this setting from Bach’s chorale style (e.g. missing chordal thirds at bars 2/6, 4/8, 9, 10, 12, 15 and 16, the cadence to a root position diminished triad in bar 14, etc.) and because of harmonic and voice-leading divergences from the figured bass given in the corresponding Schemelli Gesangbuch chorale, I have come to doubt Bach authorship of this setting. —LD
bach– by Luke Dahn. Copyright 2018.